


Rev. Andrew R. Allan

艾伦先生曾经是苏格兰罗斯郡的一名职业摄影师。他于1988年归信耶稣基督。此后就读于苏格兰因弗内斯的苏格兰自由教会神学院(Free Church of Scotland Seminary),并于2008年按立牧职。艾伦牧师在苏格兰高地的普乐威村和奥尔特贝村自由教会(Poolewe & Aultbea Free Church)牧会五年之久,此后从2014年至今,一直担任苏格兰格拉斯哥的苏格兰巴特里自由教会(Partick Free Church of Scotland)的牧师。艾伦牧师热心于福音事工在中国的进展。他协助建立了戴德生基金会(Hudson Taylor Ministries)的英国分部,并且担任秘书长之职以支持基金会的事工。此外,艾伦在自由教会神学院(Free Church School in Theology)担任秘书之职。他和妻子黛比养育了五个子女。


Formerly a professional photographer in Ross-shire, Scotland , Mr. Allan was converted, in 1988, to faith in Jesus Christ. He studied at the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) Seminary in Inverness, Scotland, and was ordained and inducted to preach the gospel, in 2008. Rev. Allan ministered to the congregation at Poolewe & Aultbea Free Church (Continuing) in the Highlands of Scotland for over five years, before taking up his present position as minister of Partick Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), in Glasgow, Scotland, in 2014. Rev. Allan has a keen interest in the progress of gospel work in China. He helped to found the UK branch of Hudson Taylor Ministries, where he currently serves as general secretary in support of the mission work in China. He also serves as secretary of the Free Church School in Theology. Rev. Allan and his wife, Debbie, have five grown up children.